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- Contribution of Willard S.Boyle to the Global Science and Technology: A Scientometric Portrait. Indian Journal of Library and Information Science, vol 6(1) January-April 2012, pp. 39-44. ISSN 0973-9548.
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- Evaluation of University Library Websites: A Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Library and Information Science, 7(3) Sept-Dece, 2013, pp239-241. ISSN 0973-9556.
- Mariraj V.Sedam & Keshava (2013). Research trends in physics: A scientometric study of publication productivity, authorship patter and channels of communication of physics Nobel laureate-Yoichiro Nambu. Journal of Advances in Library and Information Science, 2(4) pp202-208. ISSN 2277-2219.
- Swetha Kalmath & Keshava (2013). Role of Information Centre in the Growth of Small Scale Industries. Journal of Advances in Library and Information Science. ISSN: 2277-2219 Vol. 2. No.3. 2013. pp. 130-133.
- Guraraj S.H; BD Kumbar & Keshava (2014). Scientific productivity of Polymer Science research: a scientometric study. SRELS Journal of Information Management, 51(1),51-57.
- Mariraj VS; Keshava and KB Agadi (2014). Collaborative Authorship Credits of Researchers with Nobel Laureate Andre Geim: A Scientometric Study. Journal of Indian Library Association, 50(1), 2014
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- Keshava; Thimmaiah, BN and Shivakumar, SU (2015). Customer relationship management in academic libraries. International Journal of Digital Library Services, 5(2), 97-102. ISSN 2250-1142.
- Keshava and Ganjihal, GA (2015). Scientometric dimensions of Astronomy and Astrophysics research in India (2001-2010): A study based on SCI. Indian Journal of Library and Information Technology, 4(4), 14-18.ISSN 2249-8494
- Mariraj VS and Keshava (2015). Collaborative research pattern of Nobel Laureates in the field of Physics as Reflected through Science Citation Index during 2008-2009: A scientometric study. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach and Studies, 2(4), July –August, pp45-49.
- Manjunath,GL and Keshava (2015). Study of University Websites based on selected Evaluation Criterias. Indian Journal of Library and Information Science, 9(3) Sept-Dece., pp189-196.
- Keshava and Lashminarasimhappa, MC (2015). Growth of Research Literature on Bacterial Meningitis, 2013-2014: A Scientometric study. Indian Journal of Library and Information Science, 9(3) Sept-Dece., pp213-217.
- Keshava; Thimmaiah,BN and Agadi, KB (2015). Growth Analysis of Cancer Biology Research, 2000-2011. Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice, 3(3) pp 75-80.
- Keshava and Ganjihal, GA (2015). Growth pattern of Indian Radio astronomy literature (1999-2012): A scientometric study. Indian Journal of Library and Information Technology, 5(2), April-June, pp 13-15.
- Keshava and Ganjihal, GA (2015). Growth pattern of Indian Radio astronomy literature (1999-2012): A scientometric study. Indian Journal of Library and Information Technology, 5(2), April-June, pp 13-15.
- Keshava and et al., (2015). Frontiers in radio astronomy research in India (1999-2012): A Scientometric study. e-Library Science Research Journal, 3(5) March, pp1-10. IF 2.2030.
- Keshava and Thimmaiah, BN (2016). Collaborative endeavor of poliomyelitis Research: An image of PubMed, 2000-2015. Indian Journal of Library and Information Science, 10(3), 0973-9548.
- Keshava et. al. (2018). Reading habits among the Students of Sri Siddaganga Matta, Tumkur, Karnataka: A Survey. Indian Journal of Information Sources and Services, 8(3), 67-70. 2231-6094.
- Devi Rajita and Keshava (2020) E-Resources: Perception and Utilization by Ayurvedic Medical College Librarians of North Karnataka. Our Heritage. 68(1) January-2020, ISSN: 0474-9030
- Devi Rajita and Keshava (2020) E-Resour E-Resources: Perception And Utilisation By A ception And Utilisation By Ayurvedic Medical edic MedicalCollege Librarians Of North Karnataka. Library Philosophy and Practice (E-Journal). 1 January 2020. ISSN: 1522-0222
- Devi Rajita and Keshava (2020) The use of e-journals at the Ayurvedic Medical College Libraries: A Case Study in North Karnataka, India Library Philosophy and Practice (E-Journal). 30 January 2020. ISSN: 1522-0222
- Keshava, Praveena Naik and Sreekrishna M.D (2020) An illustration of influence of socio-economic factors on career aspiration of Library Science Graduates of Karnataka state, India. Library Philosophy and Practice (E-Journal). January 2020. ISSN: 1522-0222
- Devi Rajita and Keshava (2020) Perceptions And Use Of E-Resources By Ayurvedic Medical College Library Users Of North Karnataka. Journal Of Indian Library Association, 56 (1), January – March, 2020 ISSN 2277-5145
- Raghavan B.K and Keshava (2020) Research Trends in Neuroscience special reference to Neurology in India: A Scientometrics Study (2004-2018). Studies in Indian Place Names. 40 (49) March-2020 ISSN: 2394-3114
- Keshava; Praveen Naik and Lokamma M (2020). Students Choice and Evaluation of Library Collections at University College of Science Library: An Explorative Study. PEARL, 14(2), pp143-150. ISSN 0973-7081 [DOI 10.5958/0975-6922.2020.00018.2]
- Dr. Keshava and Raghavan B.K (2020) Growth Analysis of Neuroscience Research in Asian Countries, 1989-2018; A Scientometrics Study. Social Science Research Network (SSRN) 3693042
- Keshava et.al (2020). Scientometric analysis of publication output of Tumkur University faculty: A study based on SCOPUS database. Journal Of Indian Library Association, 56 (4), October – December, 2020 ISSN 2277-5145
- Raghavan B.K and Dr. Keshava (2020) Authorship Trends and Collaboration Pattern in the Neuroscience Literature in India during the year 1989-2018: A Scientometric Study. Library Philosophy and Practice (e- journals) 4399
- Mamatha, V and Keshava (2020). Knowledge mapping of Alzheimer’s disease research: A scientometric analysis. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 4753.
- Rajalakshmi A. Govankoppa, Mamatha V and Keshava (2021). Implementation of Library Automation with Special Reference to University College of Science, Tumkur University, Tumakuru. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 11(4), 2021, 187-198. ISSN 1548-7741.